Vulkan: add situational "Fast Flush" mode. Fixes a regression from 1.1.689 that caused title names to not appear under certain system languages.
HLE: Deal with empty title names properly. #THIEF SIMULATOR 301 BUGGED SOFTWARE#
Fixes an issue where the software keyboard in Avalonia did not populate any example text the game provides, such as default character names.Avalonia - Move swkbd message null check into constructor.Fixes an issue where Ryujinx wouldn't follow file size on symbolic links.Added check for eventual symlink when displaying game files.You can now choose which file types will appear on the games list under Options > Show File Types.Ability to hide file types in Game List.Fixes an issue on Avalonia where the nca extraction window would not close after finishing.Ava: Fix nca extraction window never closing & minor cleanup.nuget: bump DynamicData from 7.13.1 to 7.13.5.
Prevents the autoupdater from deleting system files in the Ryujinx folder, such as desktop.ini.Ensure the updater doesn't delete hidden or system files.Fixes a crash caused by the recent application loader changes, should also log the PTC progress now.Headless: Fix a crash in 2 when loading an app.This feature is already present on LDN builds. Adds a setting to allow choosing the network interface used for LAN games (and LDN in the future).Fixes a crash on Intel GPUs and macOS when using SMAA.Change SMAA filter texture clear method.Vulkan: HashTableSlim lookup optimization.Reverts the change in 1.1.715 as it caused issues on self-built macOS builds.
Revert "chore: Update Silk.NET to 2.17.1". Fixes some missing graphics in Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star. Support copy between multisample and non-multisample depth textures. Updates the System.Management dependency. nuget: bump System.Management from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1. Fixes a crash in Rune Factory 4 Special on newlywed mode when talking with your spouse. Avoid LM service crashes by not reading more than the buffer size. Fixes an issue where motion controls would re-center themselves every few seconds. Fixes broken shadows on grass and character models in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on AMD/Intel GPUs. Apply small positive bias to textureGather to return correct texels. Shader: Bias textureGather instructions on AMD/Intel. Certain stories are locked behind certain levels, and you will soon find yourself looting the same set of houses over and over.All updates to the Ryujinx official master build will be documented in this file 1.1.726 - Fixed: However, it is not the prettiest of games, and it soon starts repeating itself. The game is a lot of fun and gives you a sense of freedom in how you want to execute the game. If you are tired of loud and at-large robbery gameplay and like to try more quiet thievery, then Thief Simulator has a new career for you. Moreover, you can hit a handful of properties without repercussions. Pedestrians, on the other hand, appear out of nowhere at the most inopportune time. Homeowners are easy enough to avoid if you hide in the shadows. It drives slow and often hits pedestrians, rendering escape utterly pointless. Even the cars in the Far Cry games are better. However, The Thief's getaway car is more of a hindrance than a help. You can also drive away, especially if the cops are called after you trip over the alarm system. You can hide within and around the homes-including garbage bins and closets. They appear with white silhouettes, so you can track their movements. To add a challenge, the occupants sometimes appear while you are in the act of stealing. Selling your stolen items to the pawnshop will gain you cash, while more specific items can be sold off on a black market. Pulling off simple jobs will earn you XP, letting you buy better thieving skills. As your thief skill tree develops, you get more options as to how you want to steal. You can also get access to some equipment to make your missions a little easier. #THIEF SIMULATOR 301 BUGGED HOW TO#
However, as the game progresses, you will learn how to pick locks to gain access to homes without making noises. You'll start your string of B-and-Es by using a crowbar to smash a window and steal some saucepans and kettles. It works by slowly introducing you to the mechanics. The game is more of a cross between the Thief games and Payday 2. What you'll get is a handful of neighborhoods, each home filled with precious valuables.
And while it is a sandbox game at the core, it doesn't have huge open worlds where you can steal en masse like in the Grand Theft Auto series either.